Monday, September 14, 2009

Fundamentals of Photoshop

Tools Panel Overview
This Tutorial is for the new babies in the Field of Photoshop. This tutorial ll tell u about the tool panel and will provide information about the working of tools.
Starting Photoshop and opening a file..
This tutorial will tell you how to open and close a file in Photoshop.
Selecting and using a tool from the Tools panel..
In this photoshop tutorial we will tell you how to select the tool and how to use that tool.
Selecting and using a hidden tool
There are some hidden tools in the toolbar. This tutorial will help you to open these tools and use them.
Basic Tools
In this section you will learn how to use the basic tools like brushes, lesso tool etc. These all tools are discussed in detail with examples.
More Detail on basic Tools
In this section we will further explain the use of some basic tools
Photoshop Tips and Tricks
This tutorial will tell you some basic tips and tricks about Phostoshop that you should know at beginners level.
Photoshop Layers.
This tutorial will teach you about some basic tips about Photoshop Layers.
Useful Keyboard Shortcuts.
Learn some useful Keyboard Shortcut keys for photoshop.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Text Effects

Gloss Text Effect  
This photoshop tutorial will show you how to create Gloss Text.

Fire Text Effect  
In this photoshop tutorial we are going to create a Fire Text Effect.

Aqua Plastic Text  
This tutorial will guide you through the steps of creating Aqua Plastic Text in Photoshop.

Chrome Text Effect   
In this photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create a nice looking chrome text effect.

Glass Text Effect   
Create some nice looking translucent glass type that will work great on any background.

In this photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create a nice looking Green Organic Text Effect.

In this photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create a Ghostly Text Effect.

Create Smokey Typography   
Create COOL looking smoky Typography.

Water Drop Text Effect   
In this tutorial you will earn how to design water drop text effect.

Ice Text Effect (Video Tutorial)   
In this tutorial you will learn how to create nice ice text effect.

Text Reflection (Video Tutorial)   
In this tutorial learn how to make an effect of reflection on a text in short steps.

Creating Illusionary Exploding Text (Video Tutorial)   
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a illusionary Exploding Text Effect in Photoshop.