Monday, September 14, 2009

Fundamentals of Photoshop

Tools Panel Overview
This Tutorial is for the new babies in the Field of Photoshop. This tutorial ll tell u about the tool panel and will provide information about the working of tools.
Starting Photoshop and opening a file..
This tutorial will tell you how to open and close a file in Photoshop.
Selecting and using a tool from the Tools panel..
In this photoshop tutorial we will tell you how to select the tool and how to use that tool.
Selecting and using a hidden tool
There are some hidden tools in the toolbar. This tutorial will help you to open these tools and use them.
Basic Tools
In this section you will learn how to use the basic tools like brushes, lesso tool etc. These all tools are discussed in detail with examples.
More Detail on basic Tools
In this section we will further explain the use of some basic tools
Photoshop Tips and Tricks
This tutorial will tell you some basic tips and tricks about Phostoshop that you should know at beginners level.
Photoshop Layers.
This tutorial will teach you about some basic tips about Photoshop Layers.
Useful Keyboard Shortcuts.
Learn some useful Keyboard Shortcut keys for photoshop.

Text Effects

Gloss Text Effect  
This photoshop tutorial will show you how to create Gloss Text.

Fire Text Effect  
In this photoshop tutorial we are going to create a Fire Text Effect.

Aqua Plastic Text  
This tutorial will guide you through the steps of creating Aqua Plastic Text in Photoshop.

Chrome Text Effect   
In this photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create a nice looking chrome text effect.

Glass Text Effect   
Create some nice looking translucent glass type that will work great on any background.

In this photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create a nice looking Green Organic Text Effect.

In this photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create a Ghostly Text Effect.

Create Smokey Typography   
Create COOL looking smoky Typography.

Water Drop Text Effect   
In this tutorial you will earn how to design water drop text effect.

Ice Text Effect (Video Tutorial)   
In this tutorial you will learn how to create nice ice text effect.

Text Reflection (Video Tutorial)   
In this tutorial learn how to make an effect of reflection on a text in short steps.

Creating Illusionary Exploding Text (Video Tutorial)   
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a illusionary Exploding Text Effect in Photoshop.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Create a Wooden Text

We will use an image of Krakograff texture and a wood texture that can be found on FreeFoto.
Click here to download Krakograff texture.
Click here to download the city image.

All rights of these resources belong to their respective owners.

Step 1 - Setting Up Background:
Create a document of size 750 by 550px and place the texture image at the center of it.
Go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects.
Fill in the settings shown in the diagram.

Step 2 - Adjusting Colors:
Create a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer. Fill in 0 for Hue, -75 for Saturation and 0 for Lightness.
Create another Levels Adjustment Layer and fill in the values 0, 0.60, 255.

Step 3 - Placing Your Texts:
The font I used in this tutorial is called Stencil. You can download it at Dafont with you have not got it.
Type in your text at the center of the document. Try not to use small font sizes as we will be doing emboss effects later on.

Step 4a - Applying Texture:
I placed the wood texture on top of my "10". Ctrl+left click on the text to load selection.
Apply a layer mask on the wood texture with this selection.

Step 4b - Applying Texture:
Similar to Step 4a, I reduce the size of the wood texture since "Steps.SG" is of a smaller font size.
Ctrl+left click on the texts to laod selection.
Apply a layer mask on the wood texture with this selection.

Step 5a - Apply Emboss Effects:
Right-click on the "10" and select choose Blending Options.
Activate Bevel and Emboss and fill in the settings as shown.
The colors used for Highlight Mode is #CEBE80 and Shadow is #000000.

Step 5b - Apply Emboss Effects:
Activate Inner Glow and fill in the settings as shown.
Right-click on the "10" layer and choose Copy Layer Style. Then right-click on the "Steps.SG" and choose Paste Layer Style.
The color used for Blend Mode is #2E2E00.

Step 5c - Apply Emboss Effects:
Change the Blend Mode of "Photoshop Tutorials" to Soft Light.
You should be seeing something similar to the example.

Step 6 - Adding Border:
Create a new layer below all these texts.
Load their selections and go to Select > Modify > Expand by 6 px.
Fill the selection with #FFFFFF on the new layer. This shall form a white border around the texts.

Step 7a - Adding Pillow Emboss:
Right-click on the border layer and choose Blending Options.
Activate Bevel and Emboss. Fill in the settings as shown in the diagram.
The colors used for Highlight Mode is #DBC09C and Shadow is #000000.

Step 7b - Adding Pillow Emboss:
Activate the Inner Glow and fill in the settings as shown in the diagram.
The color used for Blend Mode is #000000.
Finally, set the Blend Mode of this border layer to Soft Light.

There you have it! I have added a faded skull behind to complete the design.
Hope you like this tutorial.
Click here to view the final image.

Tutorial by

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Water Drop Text Effect

Firstly we're going to make a nice background. Start by creating a new document in Photoshop, sized 1000x500 pixels, all the default settings, white background.

After making your new document, you need to find some appropriate picture to put on the background. I would like to use this one picture. Also you can put your own picture or find more pictures on Google Images.
Now we are starting straight to create a text effect. First of all we need to type some text, where the effect will be shown. Choose the Horizontal Type Tool and type text with any colour. Colour is not important in this case. It's desirable to use bold style of text for this effect. For this tutorial I used Arial Black font.
Further when we have already had an inscription we can start to create an effect on it. But in the beginning we need to choose the appropriate pattern we will use further in our text effect. Using Google Images you may find appropriate pattern or may use this one. Open it and save as pattern by going to Edit > Define Pattern. Go back to our main document and set fill opacity to 0% up, after that apply the following Blending Options to the text layer:

After all we get this one screenshot:
But this is not the final variant. Select text layer using Select > Load Selection, then apply Select > Modify > Expand to increase selection about 7 pixels. Create a new layer and fill the selected area with black colour. After that apply Filter > Noise > Add Noise with similar settings to these:

You should get the same result as mine:
Now, deselect chosen area with Ctrl+D and change layer mode to Screen.
Then apply the following Blending Options to this layer:
We should get the next one effect:
This is our final result.
Special Thanks To WebDesign.Org

Creating Illusionary Exploding Text (Video Tutorial)

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a illusionary Exploding Text Effect in Photoshop.

Text Reflection (Video Tutorial)

In this tutorial learn how to make an effect of reflection on a text in short steps.

Ice Text Effect (Video Tutorial)

In this tutorial you will learn how to create nice ice text effect.

Create Smokey Typography

Step 1
Open up a new document (600x250px) and create a new layer called 'black background'. Fill your entire canvas with black.
Step 2
Now add some white text to the center of your canvas. I used the font 'Gill Sans' set to bold.
Step 3
Now duplicate your text layer. Select your original and rasterize it (layer>rasterize>layer). Then apply a motion blur to this layer by going to filter>blur>motion blur. Set your angle to 90 and your blur strength to 20. Finally reduce your layer's opacity to 60%.
Step 4
Now paste in an image of some smoke. Make sure that you find an image of smoke on a black background, and if there is any color to your smoke go to image>adjustments>desaturate. Then change your layer's blend mode to 'exclusion'.
Step 5
Now select a large, soft eraser brush at a low opacity (around 10%) and erase the edges of your smoke image.
Step 6
Now repeat the same technique with another smoke image

Step 7
Add some more smoke, being sure to erase parts of each image until things are looking good.
Step 8
Now paste in another smoke image, and set your layer blend mode to 'multiply'. Then go to image>adjustments>levels and set your input levels to 0, 1.00, 100.
Step 9
You'll notice that this layer now hides some of your previous smoke layers. To fix this grab a soft eraser brush and erase around your letters, exposing the rest of your smoke.
Step 10
Now if you remember we created 2 text layers earlier and rasterized the first one. Now it's time to rasterize the second one. Once you have done this grab your smudge tool, and set your brush size to 40px and your strength to 60%. You want to start smudging the tops of the letters of your top text layer. To achieve a nice smokey effect, don't simply smudge upwards, but make small circular smudging motions.
Also reduce this text layers opacity to 75%
Step 11
Select your paintbrush tool and apply the settings shown below in your brush palette

Step 12
Now paint over your text on a new top layer. To make your scattered brush marks more obvious duplicate your layer and merge it down with the original. Then apply an outer glow blending option to your layer (settings below).



Step ImageStep 1 - Open a New Document
Open up a new document big enough to fit your text. I used 300x100. Fill the background with a gradient of  #1f4c8f  to #20529f as shown here. This will be the background for your text.

Step ImageStep 2 - Type your Text
Select the font type and type out the text you want to apply the effect to.  I recommend the font myriad pro. I have used a white color for my first word and a very light blue for my second, though if you just have one word I suggest using all white.

Step ImageStep 3 - Add Some Shadow
Right click the text layer and go to blending options. Use drop shadow with the settings shown here (click image to full view).

Step ImageStep 4 - Creating a Gradient
Now comes the tricky part. Once again go into the blending options for the text layer and add these settings under 'Gradient Overlay'.

Step ImageStep 5 - We Are Finished!
That‚it your done, you text should look something like this: